Sunday, January 31, 2016

Calm after the Storm, Beach and Ocean Paintings by Amy Whitehouse

6" x 8" Acrylic, $125

Once again, it has been a long time since I've posted. My new job as Art teacher to Kindergarteners, and First, Second, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Graders,
has filled my weeks.
It is gratifying work if demanding.
This past week, as one little second grade boy was working,
he said,
"This is the best art project ever!"
That did my heart good.

This morning I'm trying to make sense of the clutter in my studio.
I am reposting this little painting as it's one of my favorites,
and it reminds me to do my own Art
for the good of me.

If interested in purchasing,
please contact me at 

Please also visit my website:

Rock Wall

Acrylic on Heavy Watercolor Paper, 6" x 6" $75 Lately I've been exploring the palette of light ultramarine blue, yellow oxide,...