Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Birthday Roses, Acrylic Floral Still Life

6"x8", $95
Yesterday our youngest turned 13, today we celebrated our 31st anniversary....lots of celebration going on. It's been a wonderful Christmas season with lots of socializing, eating scrumptious food, hearing from friends all over the world, thoughtful gifts given and received, and lovely weather to boot! And now I am ready to get back in the studio and paint. Hope to post some new work these next few days. Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Un joyeux anniversaire ma chère !
    Un autre beau bouquet tout plein de belles couleurs...
    gros bisous


Rock Wall

Acrylic on Heavy Watercolor Paper, 6" x 6" $75 Lately I've been exploring the palette of light ultramarine blue, yellow oxide,...