Thursday, January 19, 2012

Rainforest In My Mind Oil Landscape of Palms

11"x14", $300
To purchase this painting please contact me at
I've been experimenting with watercolor in a class to which I was awarded a scholarship. Perhaps tomorrow I'll shoot some photos and post one of them. Thank you for stopping by my site.


  1. Ce qu'il y a de formidable dans la peinture c'est qu'on puisse s'autoriser à jongler avec toutes les couleurs...
    Magnifique peinture.
    Gros bisous

  2. Martine, tu continues parlez mots encouragement, merci, merci. Je voudrais vous allez a Maine pour visiter. Le voyage approches et Je suis exitee. Et nervous.


Rock Wall

Acrylic on Heavy Watercolor Paper, 6" x 6" $75 Lately I've been exploring the palette of light ultramarine blue, yellow oxide,...