Thursday, April 19, 2012

Beach Day Acrylic Paintings by Arizona Artist Amy Whitehouse

I could use a little "sit" on the beach. Life is rich, i.e. full, i.e. very busy. We had the joy of baby sitting our friends' 10 month old daughter this week, which was a blast, and a great preview of grandparenting...did I mention we will be grandparents later this fall? Anyway, when little Miss Maggie went home, there was a pile-up of things to do. Taking care of a baby really is full-time work. How does one get the laundry, the meals, the errands...much less the painting or reading or playing the piano. Add to that our daughter and son-in-law are moving to AZ and starting with us, so I have a couple of rooms to get cleaned out, namely my teen-age daughters' rooms so that they can move in together, and R & N can have one of their rooms. Well you know how one thing leads to another. And what does one DO with all that stuff? I have been doing some painting, but haven't photographed any of the new work. Maybe tomorrow. But here's yet another beach scene, and I'm looking forward to being in my own scene at the beach this summer for a week. Acrylic, 11"x14", $60 for Day 27 of CHALLENGE 60. If you are interested in purchasing, please contact me at; 60% will go to the family we love and want to help during their trying stage of life. So far 6 of the 26 paintings have sold. Thanks for stopping by and listening to my rambles.

1 comment:

  1. Your life sounds very rich. I used to run a daycare and still get everything done. My house was cleaner then and I painted with a baby on my hip! That was when I had much more energy than I have now...


Rock Wall

Acrylic on Heavy Watercolor Paper, 6" x 6" $75 Lately I've been exploring the palette of light ultramarine blue, yellow oxide,...