Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Glorious, Seascape Paintings by Arizona Artist Amy Whitehouse

18" x 24" Oil, $700
This painting was a pleasure to watch unfold -
not always the case, in fact, usually there is
some gnashing of teeth
as a painting develops.
I'm so happy with the sheen on the thin layer of water spreading out from under the waves.
It just looks like a glorious day at the beach.

If you are interested in purchasing this painting,
please get in touch with me at


  1. Je rentre tout juste du Sénégal et c'est un véritable plaisir que de retrouver vos peintures...
    Une envie de retourner d'où je viens en admirant cette dernière toile. Très joli travail.
    Gros bisous à vous.

  2. Glorious seascape is right!
    Great work Amy!
    Thanks for visiting my blog the other day!

  3. Merci and thank you both!! It's so lovely to have comments.


Beach, Acrylic Beach and Ocean Paintings by Amy Whitehouse

Acrylic, 20"x24" $800 This started as an abstract painting but morphed  into a representational one. I love the relfections, the m...