Saturday, March 24, 2012

Art Students

Just had to share a photo of some of my incredibly talented art students. Saturdays are so inspiring as I get to have a group of young artists come in the morning and another group in the afternoon. Each student, no matter what age, has his/her own style which I try to encourage, rather than impose my own vision onto their canvases. It's challenging and then extremely gratifying as I see the amazing results. Another gift, I get to pursue my passion of helping others find their own artistic voices.


  1. What cycle great of inspitation :) good to see this sort of thing happening!

  2. Une photo pleine de charme... Un monde de grands artistes...
    gros bisous

  3. Priceless! Your students did great! What an adorable bunch.


Summer Garden

Oil on panel, $250 12" x 12" With the sun sky-high, glaring into our eyes, new grass growing, ponds beckoning, this piece just say...