Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mama Bird

9"x12" Oil Painting, $60, Day 18 of CHALLENGE 60 This week I painted every day on two 5'x6' canvases, companion pieces, for our church. I also had the privilege to paint two 4'x6' canvases for Good Friday. It's been a great week of artwork, teaching, and contemplating the single most important event in the history of mankind. A tweet summed it up: "The gospel is the counterintuitive, joyous, exuberant news that Jesus brought the unending, limitless, stunning love of God to even us." HAPPY EASTER!


  1. Une belle et douce peinture pour illustrer cette journée particulière.
    Gros bisous et joyeuses fêtes pascales.

  2. Happy Easter Amy to you and your family!

    Lovely painting!

  3. That is just gorgeous Amy!

    Happy Easter!

  4. Thank you, each one, and it was a Happy Easter as I hope it was for you. Keep painting and sharing your artwork. It helps us all.


Summer Garden

Oil on panel, $250 12" x 12" With the sun sky-high, glaring into our eyes, new grass growing, ponds beckoning, this piece just say...