Saturday, December 22, 2012

2012 Wreath, Contemporary Still Life Paintings by Arizona Artist Amy Whitehouse

10" x 10" x 1.5," Oil, $95

It's been a wonderful, chock-full schedule around here lately,
with all the kids and grand-daughter Elinor and Mark's dad here,
and shopping, and cooking, and wrapping gifts, and writing cards,
and meeting up with friends, and even a little painting!
Today my morning painting students
did so well on their artwork, I just sat and marvelled
at their talent.  What a perfect job I have!  Love it.

This square canvas is available for you
and would make a great holiday decoration every year.
Or even all year long.

Let me know if you want this one:

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Amy. Sounds like your deep in enjoying the season! Look on the bright side, at least you don't have snow to go shovel. Your wreath is lovely. Looking forward to seeing all the wonderful paintings you'll produce next year. Have a great holiday!


Rock Wall

Acrylic on Heavy Watercolor Paper, 6" x 6" $75 Lately I've been exploring the palette of light ultramarine blue, yellow oxide,...